Introduction to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (EDI) workshop

In this interactive workshop participants will explore conversations about Inclusion in a safe and open space and learn some key principles which they can then embed and apply in their specific workplace context. This workshops encourages participation and through a mixture of reflective personal and group activities as well as looking at scenarios, participants will increase their confidence to speak about and develop actions in service of inclusion.


A shared understanding for all staff of key concepts of DEI including privilege,
microaggressions, equity and effective allyship.

Engaging with DEI at the emotional level to develop increased confidence to speak
more confidently with a grounding in an understanding about areas of inequity
including but: not limited to race, ability, class, gender, gender identity; sexuality –
with a prioritisation of race

Increased ability to move towards effective action in the DEI space and embed a
culture of allyship across all teams to proactively understand and challenge systemic

Please Note: Attendees will be invited to an informal reflection session, held on Microsoft teams, at a later stage. Although it is not a requirement to attend, this session will support us in ensuring learning is fully embedded.

There are currently no dates for this event.