SSCP Learning Event

What is it about?

To share the learning from a Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review (LCSPR) that considered multi-agency systems and practice that concern the sexual and physical abuse of young babies, the importance of knowing parental history and the visibility of men.

Who should attend? Leaders, managers and frontline practitioners from organisations and agencies who form part of Sunderland’s child safeguarding arrangements. 

Opportunities to reflect and learn

Please join Suzy Kitching MBE (independent author) who will share the key learning from this review to reflect on what you, partner agencies and the Sunderland Safeguarding Children's Partnership can do to safeguard other children in similar situations. Colleagues from Probation and the Integrated Care Board will reflect on wider system learning from the review. 

What did we understand and learn? Why does it matter?  What are the things that can make a difference? 


*Please note: To book your place you will need to register. To do so, click the link at the top right of this page.

There are currently no dates for this event.