Sunderland Safeguarding Children Partnership

National Support and Information

NSPCC Launches New Identity - Logo Designer - Logo Designer  NSPCC provide parenting tips for all stages of your child's life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations.

 Thinkuknow - Online Gaming Safety Advice for Parents and Carers - Accuro  (Care Services)   ThinkUKnow offer free home activity packs with simple tasks to help you support your child's online safety. Activities and videos on live streaming, online gaming, and using social media. Get Advice. Watch Videos. View Support Tools.

   Pace works alongside parents and carers of children who are – or are at  risk of being – exploited by perpetrators external to the family. We offer  guidance and training to professionals  PACE work with parents and carers of children who are at risk of being exploited by perpetrators.

  SafeCall are a telephone based service, providing confidential emotional support and advocacy to young people, parents and carers who have been affected by missing and County Lines. 

  In today's modern world of screen usage, it is important to consider the negative effects of extended screen time on the eyes, minds, and bodies of children. To educate the public on this, we recently published a guide to screen time for parents where we cover the following:
-Problems screens can cause
-How to develop screen time rules
-Suggested screen time limits by age
-Teaching and encouraging digital literacy, and more.

      The Canine and Feline Sector Group Dog Safety Code highlights three crucial messages that all dog owners and families need to know:

    • Be alert – Always keep an eye on your dog around kids. Never leave them alone together 
    • Be aware – Dogs use signals to tell us how they feel – What is your dog telling you?

    Be safe – Any dog can bite. Accidents happen fast.


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